This is a Come-As-You-Arrive gathering until the ritual itself begins, which will be at 9 pm, so please plan accordingly! That said, you absolutely do not have to stay for the ritual to participate- you can always just join for the fire n' friends & that's totally fine! However, if you do wish to stay, please bring one small log as a contribution. Also, however long you plan on staying, feel free to bring a snack or drink of your choosing to share with the community. Being an outdoor event, dress practically for mud, left-over snow, & for the cold but feel free to wear colors of the summer, dress like a folksy animal, or wear your favorite ritual garb! Bring a fold-out chair if needed & if you play an instrument, bring that too!
Directions: From Anchorage, take Glenn Highway northbound to the Eklutna exit, just past Thunder Bird Falls. Turn immediately onto Old Glenn Hwy, then left onto Eklutna Lake Rd. Continue to drive 10 miles to the Eklutna Lake parking lot by the visitors center at the end of the road, park, walk down the hill to the lake & you should see us!
Etiquette: Please be responsible if you choose to drink alcohol. This is not a frat party, we hold the right to call authorities on those who show severe disrespect. Camping is always an option & many of us will be staying overnight so you won't be alone if you also choose to do so!
Health & Safety: All organizers are First Aid/CPR certified. Should go without saying but please be safe around the fire, including loose firewood. There will be a fire extinguisher & bear spray on the premises. Please be self-aware & let someone know if you need anything.